Friday, October 30, 2009

"10 for 10" Promotion

We are excited to announce a new promotion we are having at our store that is for a GREAT cause and will help you save money at the same time! As many of you may already know, our store supports the local charity Chesterfield-Colonial Heights Christmas Mother program, which helps hundreds of needy families each year. They provide food, clothing, books and toys for them to have for Christmas, when they might have otherwise gone completely without.

Our local customers have always been very supportive of helping us help the Christmas Mother and we recently raised over $500 at our Holiday Open House in addition to many, many donations of food, toys and books.

We would like to continue to accept donations for this very worthy cause in our area throughout the entire holiday season and would like to encourage and reward our customers for donating items. Our new "10 for 10" promotion does just that!

To participate, simply bring in, any 10 items to donate to the Christmas Mother and you will receive 10% off your entire purchase that day...on everything, nothing is off limits, sale items, invitations, etc. You will get 10% off! Your 10 items can be canned/non-perishable food items, new children's toys or books or any combination of the three, just bring 10 things.

Stop by soon with your 10 items and get your "10 for 10" discount, while making a difference for others at the same time!

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